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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A baby & 2 teenagers!

   I never thought I'd have a child going into college & one going into pre-school, but that will be a reality for me in 2 short years.
   When I got pregnant with my Alyxzandrya, I was 17 years old & a senior in High School. I gave birth to her 4 weeks before I graduated. I thought I'd just be a young mom, then when I was 36, I'd get to relive the youth I spent as a mom. I have no regrets & no, I don't feel as though I missed out on anything. I always wanted to be a mom, it just happened a little earlier that I would've planned. Now with a 9 month old, I find myself starting over.
   Though I thought some tiny part of me would feel a little discouraged, I have found the opposite. It's so funny how priorities change & I realized something as I was playing with Elijah this morning... I love this! I could do this until I'm 60!  These are the moments that really mean something. THIS is what life is about, for ME. I love to create things & I guess that includes life. My children are my heart, my joy. I used to question the timing of things & how things turn out, but God knows what he's doing. And I can't imagine my life any other way! Who knows, since I'm starting over...maybe #4???